§ 21-128. Access points onto streets.  

Latest version.
  • All proposed development shall meet the following standards for vehicular access and circulation:


    The maximum number of points of access permitted onto any one (1) road shall be as shown in Table 3.2:

    Table 3.2 Access Points

    Lot Width Abutting Road
    Number Of Points Of Access
    Less than 65 feet
    65 feet to 200 feet
    Over 200 feet
    2, plus 1 for each additional 200 feet



    In lieu of any two (2) openings permitted onto any one (1) road, there may be permitted a single point of access up to thirty-six (36) feet in width.


    There shall be a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet (a car length) between any two (2) openings onto the same street.


    No point of access shall be allowed within twenty (20) feet (a car length) of the intersection of the right-of-way lines of any public road.


    No curb shall be cut or altered, and no point of access or opening for vehicles onto a public road shall be established without a permit issued by the engineering department.

(Ord. No. O-00-09, Art. 3 (3.02.08), 4-24-00)